Sunday, January 1, 2012

Witnessing the Moment

At the start of the year, I spend time welcoming a new way of being into my existence. A few years ago, the word that came to me to be more present with was, “Listener”. The year after that was “Nurturer”. Each year I set the intention to embody more of my truest essence. I do this, with the objective of being more fully present with my most authentic vision.
This New Year’s Day I sat in contemplation wondering what word would really hit home for me. I let a few words slip past me... “presence”, “attentive”, “release”. As I’m trying to let myself go with the process and let go of the strong desire to force the word, I observe my nearly 7 month old daughter crawling along the floor. As I watch her, she crawls toward another baby. The two of them share a tender moment of giggles, squeals and gentle touches. Their shared moment brought tears to my eyes. They shared smiles, innocent curiosity and unconditional acceptance of one another. Not only did they accept one another, they witnessed one another. Witness. The word struck me and made my heart leap. This year, I welcome the opportunity to fully embrace being “Witness”. When I am Witness, I allow myself to be out of my head and more fully present in the moment. Out of my head means I get to let go of making meaning of the situation and instead I see it as it is. As Witness, I let go of my judgments and gift myself with the presence of the moment and all that it comes with; joy, lessons, beauty, opportunity to fully connect. As I sat observing these two precious babies, I knew that Witness was mine to embody this year. When I think about the observers in my life, I am reminded that when others are around to observe me, I tend to be a more patient, more available and more conscious about my actions. I’ve often wondered what motivates this behavior. Was it ego, “I want to look good in front of so-an-so”. Was it to feel superior? “I want to do it better than so-and-so.” As I sit with being more of a witness/observer to my own surroundings and actions, I realize that my desire to be a better person in the company of others is just that, having an observer to be accountable to. Each of us know what is best for our own lives. Today thousands of New Year’s Resolutions will be declared. Some will even involve follow through. Others will not. Most that fail will fail not because the individual wasn’t personally invested or passionate about the resolution, but because there was little/no accountability. As I allow myself to show up in my life and yours as observer, I support accountability. I encourage letting go of the idea that I need to take the situation/words/experience personally. As observer, I witness it, allow it, and feel more fully connected to the opportunity that resides in the moment. I find myself often asking my clients to simply observe their lives. “You’ve stated this goal. Let go of the desire to judge yourself if it does/doesn’t get accomplished and instead, observe how/why/why not of what transpires. Allow that observation to serve you to make the next move, or not.

When you allow yourself to sit in the silence, what word is calling for your attention?
What are you ready to incorporate more of into your life? How will you hold yourself accountable to what you say you are ready for this year?

To being Witness to the journey!

Star Staubach CPC