Saturday, June 30, 2012

Mid-Year Celebrations

Six months ago we were planning ways to welcome the New Year.  Now, we make preparations to celebrate Independence Day.  May this also be a time for you to reflect on all of the wins that you've had this year.  Allow yourself to notice where you have reclaimed your own freedom; disconnecting from the relationship that wasn't serving you, updating your resume to include your new skills, accepting a promotion, new career move, accepting a marraige proposal, announcing the birth of your first child, celebrating the graduation of your first born, celebrating time with family, time with friends, celebrating LIFE!  What things will make your list of celebration?  How are you exercising your own liberation this year?  May this be a time of celebrating all of the ways that you are stepping more fully into the freedom that comes from being ALIVE with JOY!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Weather: Beyond the Predictions

When I am planning an outdoor activity, I find myself tuning into the weather forecast.  Recently, the meteorologist predicted heavy storms for "most of the day".  When I woke, there were clouds, but no sign of a storm.  I went about my day as if I hadn't heard the prediction.  The storm never came.  I enjoyed the outdoors for the entire day.  It made me wonder, how many times do I limit my activity because of what might happen?  Sure, there are times when the prediction is correct.  There are also times when it is far from accurate, yet I've already made a choice based on the fear of what might be.  This is an opportunity for me to let go of the fear, go with the flow, and trust my own intuition.  I release the need for outside influences to determine my next move and instead allow outside influences to support me to make the decision that is best for me.  Rain or shine, all will be fine, so long as I let go of my own fears and expectations.  In fact, sometimes the rain can be more enjoyable and exciting than the heat of the sun.  Here's to living fully, in the moment and releasing the chatter that might hold us back.

Take My Advice, I'm Not Using It

I recently found myself faced with several professionals who appeared to be unable to follow their own advice.  Have you ever come across this?  As I sat observing, it dawned on me, what advice am I giving that I am not following?  My advice for others, that has all along been for me, listen.  Take time to listen to the inner voice.  Take time to unplug from the screen time, take time for reflection.  I support my clients to listen to the voice within.  The voice that may seem small and quiet, the voice that grows stronger when given attention.  The voice that becomes a brick up side the head when being ignored. What can you do to support time for yourself, to eliminate the outside chatter so that you can plug into what your inner voice is calling you to attend to?  I can already hear the excuse, "I don't have time!"  The reality is, we all have the same 24 hours in a day.  Maybe you choose to start taking the bus, so that you can have some unplugged, down time.  Maybe you go to bed early, so that you can wake up and allow yourself a few moments.  I hold the vision with you that time presents itself and you feel the deep connection to the voice that is calling out for your attention.  And, even if specific time does not happen, listen to how the voice speaks to you at other times, like when you have advice for someone else, advice that could in fact be, for you.