Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Success of Stumbling

My youngest daughter started walking recently.  Watching her progress from standing to taking a step, to taking multiple steps and now walking with greater confidence has reminded me of the amazing ability we have to get back up and keep trying!  I cannot count the number of times I've watched her fall on her face or onto her diaper padded bottom, only to see her put her hands out in front of her and push herself up again to keep practicing her new skill. Growing pains are aptly named.  They are uncomfortable.  You may have noticed that your growth doesn't feel so great at times.  GOOD!  This is exactly what you are meant to be experiencing.  This means that growth is on your horizon.  Keep it up!  Keep moving, breathing, waking up and working through this space of change, as it is leading you to the next level of success!  Feeling scared of that next job opportunity?  Feeling uncertain about your next project?  Feeling uneasy about what will happen next, and how will it all work out?  These can be the questions that come up when we are ready to experience something transformative.  If this space is causing you anxiety, stress, and discomfort, allow yourself to listen to what you are experiencing.  Allow it to support you to what awaits you; new opportunity, new possibility, new growth, new habits, new skills.   May you recognize that those baby steps are a necessary part of the journey to reach the peak of the mountain.  AND, I wouldn't expect my daughter to climb a mountain or run a marathon with her newfound skill of walking.  This is a space to be gentle with yourself.  Practice baby steps.  Allow room for yourself to stumble.  Know that you always have the option to remain at the stage that you are currently experiencing, just as you have the choice to pick up and keep pushing to the next level of success.  The choice is yours.  Will you remain where you are or will you remember the skill you have to keep trying?

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Visionaries Welcome!

Steve Jobs wore many titles; visionary, CEO of Apple, businessman, and successful entrepreneur to name a few.  He did not stop at his first success.   We did not watch him produce his first computer only to walk away with a fortune.  Long after his first successful computer, continued to dream, to design and to believe in himself and his ability to continue pushing himself to expand.  As a life coach, this is what I support my clients to do; expand, believe in themselves and in the ability to dream bigger.  Life doesn't have to be a struggle to receive the benefits of coaching.   I believe in you, in your talents, in your ability to achieve your grandest goals.  What are you ready to build upon?  What successes are you ready to expand to the next level?  What best supports you to continue on your journey of expansion?

Thursday, March 1, 2012

"Am I attractive?"

I recently saw an article about teen girls posting videos of themselves on YouTube inquiring, "Am I Attractive?"  If you are anything like me you are feeling saddened at their desperate quest for approval.  I may not be going to the same extreme for approval, and yet there are times when I too find myself being defined by what you, they, he/she thinks about me.  If we are defined by what others think of us, then who do we become?  When do we know who's critique to give attention to? When do we know the search for critiquing is complete?  We cannot control what others are going to say or think about us.  What we can control is who we are choosing to show up as.  What we can control are our thoughts about who we are.  We can choose what to do with the feedback that we receive.  Feedback can be appreciated and helpful, yet it does not have much meaning if we do not have a solid understanding of who we are.  Who you are, is amazing!  Who you are, is prosperous!  Who you are, is love.  What more would you add to your list of who you are?