Thursday, December 6, 2012

Take Time to Connect

Studies show that isolating animals, produces significant stress.  We see the same results for our species.  We even use isolation as a form of punishment.  This holiday season, as our stressors can be at an all time high, make a point to reach out to others for a sense of connection.  Here is a list of ways you can reach out for connection: 
  1. Invite a group of friends to go Carolling at a local nursing home
  2. Attend a Holiday Concert
  3. Plan a potluck with friends/family
  4. Buy a stranger a cup of coffee
  5. Committ to doing a Random Act of Kindness 1x/week (or more)
  6. Volunteer at a local shelter
  7. Do yardwork for your neighbor
  8. Take a meal to a family in need
  9. Choose to perform a random act of compassion
  10. write a letter to someone 
  11. Call a friend to share how much they mean to you 
  12. Invite friends over for a dance party
  13. Invite family/friends to play games
  14. Join an indoor sports league 
  15. Register to take a class/book study
Share with me! Let me know how you connect with others and the benefits you receive from reaching out to others. Join the conversation on Twitter with #StellarConnection 

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