Thursday, December 5, 2013

December - a Month of GIVING

While spending time with my family over the Thanksgiving holiday, I had the opportunity to observe the madness that comes with Holiday shopping and purchasing. As we're all sitting around the dinner table, flipping through the pages of Black Friday ads, I found myself getting caught up, "I need those boots. My husband needs a new coat. I need to RUSH out and get this on SALE, and I better hurry, the sale starts in a few hours (THANKSGIVING NIGHT)!  It all seems a bit maddening for me.  Don't get me wrong, if it works for you, AWESOME!  What I know FOR SURE is that it DOES NOT work for me.  In fact, it DETRACTS from radiance!  Whenever overwhelm and anxiety are present, radiance goes out the window.

As a business owner, this madness comes with a different kind of pressure, "I SHOULD offer a LIMITED time, BIG offer, so that I can capitalize on this "opportunity" aka -CRAZINESS."  I choose not to buy into that.  Once I caught my breath and returned to MY OWN sense of reality, I realized that I didn't want to  buy or SELL anything, but instead, I wanted to GIVE!

In the spirit of GIVING through the month of December, I have created an opportunity for YOU to participate AND RECEIVE - FREE gifts!

Here are a list of the 10 gifts that you can be eligible for:

1. 21 Days of Empowered Choices - 3 to be given away!
2. 21 Day Challenge to RECEIVE! - 3
3. 1/2 hour consultation - 3
4. 2 Hour - Radiance Reboot - 1

Total value of prizes - $748!!!  

How do you become eligible?  

SHARE!  Share something simple, grand, unexpected and POST about it in the comments below! Want EXTRA opportunities to enter, stop over to Ignite Radiance on Facebook and "like" our page of inspiration!  Invite your friends to join you!

Here are a few ideas:
Purchase a coffee for the person behind you in line.
Set the intention of giving random compliments for the day.
Purchase a bag of apples or oranges and pass them out to co-workers or visitors at your office.

The magic of the holidays cannot be purchased in a store.  It comes from your heart.  It is NOT about business.  It is about connecting, sharing and spreading love.  It is in this spirit that I invite you to JOIN me on this December GIVEATHON! What are you prepared to do for this GIVEATHON??


Renee said...

I, also, don't like all the Black Friday hype and find the marketing stressful. So, I'll play, Star.

I am going to give away two 1-hour parent coaching sessions to someone in your community. If you are reading this and have a struggle with one of your children and want to put together a plan to address the issue, then send me an email at renee (at) peacefulparentingpath (dot) com with the subject line: Star's giveaway. Tell me what you are struggling with and what single goal you would like to set around that issue. What would success look like in this realm? Together we will spend an hour putting together a workable plan that you can start implementing right away.

Unknown said...

Wow, Renee, what a beautiful gift to share!! I'm incredibly excited for the recipients!! Thanks for sharing your brilliance!!

Unknown said...

Wow, Renee, what a beautiful gift to share!! I'm incredibly excited for the recipients!! Thanks for sharing your brilliance!!

Nancy Kay said...

I used to be out at 4 AM in all that madness with specific plans and my running shoes during the years I was married.
After going through divorce and the judge making us sell our home and getting rid of 2/3 of our stuff to downsize several times since in rentals, I have learned just how insignificant it is to join the rat race to acquire more, more, more.
I've come to realize that our kids are learning the lessons we are sharing every day about HOW WE LIVE not what we have.

The After Baby Lady - Jill said...

I will offer 3 hours of free postpartum doula work (a $100 value). I'm going to do some kind of giveaway on my FB page for this - watch for more information!
Thanks for changing my mindset and encouraging me to give - it feels so good!

Unknown said...

Star, you rock! I would love to get on board this train. I would love to find someone who is struggling or has recently done treatment for an illness and is feeling the need to connect with something bigger than themselves...and I will craft a travel adventure that will help them connect with nature or with a place in the world they have always longed to visit.

I will take care of every detail for them and create a travel experience they will remember forever! (a $150 value)

If you or someone you know really needs this, please let me know. I will reach out and tell them it was your gift to them!