Sunday, February 17, 2013

Oh well, that is just the way I am....

"I cannot help it, that is just the way I am."  Either you've said it yourself, or you've heard someone else say it.  It is usually an attempt to justify a behavior such as a sharp tongue or blunt personality.  YES, each of us has a different personality AND each of us has a unique opportunity to grow.  For some, our growth is in allowing ourselves to be still and do less.  For others the growth is pushing ourselves to do more and take risks in allowing our voices to be heard.  What is your go to excuse?  What do you notice you telling yourself or others, "Oh, that is just the way I am..."  What is mine?  I find myself over and over making the excuse that I cannot get enough sleep.  The truth is, I CAN get sleep.  I choose to stay up late, usually doing nothing that is requiring my immediate attention.  I find myself making excuses, "But I just want some down time from the children."  How much more down could sleeping be?  Seriously?  Digging our heals in and declaring that we cannot change is a way of avoiding the discomfort of doing something new.  Notice the discomfort and know that it is speaking to you, calling you to attend to an area you would otherwise avoid.  Sit with the challenge.  The pain of avoiding is often far greater than the space of discomfort.  In that discomfort is your growth, your opportunity to see a different perspective, your opportunity to release the pain of avoiding.  I believe in you.  I believe in your ability to get through the growing pains and move to the other side, experiencing the benefits of your fresh outlook and freedom.

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